
since Jan. 2019 “Mentor for Biography work” under systemic approach, Systemisches Institut Mitte (SYIM), Herta Schindler, Kassel
since Nov. 2018 Non-medical practitioner in Psychotherapy
2017/2018 Dance- and Gestalt Therapy after Anna Halprin’s Life/Art Process, training with Ulla Schorn, Berlin
since Oct. 2010 Working as a freelance dancer, choreographer and teacher of dance and performance
2008-2010 Master of Arts in Theater, Masterstudies Scenic Arts Practice; Hochschule der Künste Bern, Switzerland
2006-2008 Theater Science and Art History Studies; Freie Universität Berlin
2006 YogaVeda Teacher Training with Kris Lanzaro, Berlin
2002-2005 SEAD, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, 3-years (diploma) professional dance program, main focus in contemporary dance and choreography
2005 Residence in New York, USA; studying at NYU Tisch
  Scholarships | Residences
2014 Artist in Residence at Fleetstreet Theater Hamburg, in collaboration with Jim Spastic&Hans Gender
2013 Artist in Residence at Tanzhaus Zürich 5MIN.20MAX. in collaboration with Francesca Honegger
2011 operare11, interdisciplinary arts competition of the Contemporary Opera Berlin. Awarded prizes for two productions.
2010 Summer Dance Lab at Mousonturm Frankfurt, Tanzplan Deutschland
2010 Artist in Residence at Südpol Luzern, Switzerland
2008-2010 Masterstudies „Tanz-Theater“ Beatrice- and Otto Tschumi Stiftung; Bern, Switzerland
2010/2008 Artist in Residence at Ada Studio, Berlin
  Performances | Projects (Excerpt)
2015 Petunien#17, Improvisationen with Eva Burghardt and Naïma Ferré (Duo), Meltem Nil (Solo) and Sandra Wieser (Solo), Improvisation Series, curated by Sandra Wieser and Meltem Nil; Ada Studio Berlin
2014 Imprevu#5, Trio with Naïma Ferré, Eva Burghardt, Sebastian Flaig (musician), Mime Centrum Berlin
  Imprevu#4, Soli: Naïma Ferré / Eva Burghardt / Elma Riza; group improvisation with Florian Knoblich, David J., Mireia Aragones, Clara Calero, Elma Riza, Eva Burghardt und Naïma Ferré, Tatwerk Berlin
  Imprevu#3, Duo: Naïma Ferré and Eva Burghardt, Tatwerk Berlin
  Lob eines Probanden, in collaboration with the Performance Collective JimSpastics&HansGender (Ulrike Bernard, Eva Burghardt, Hannah Georgi, Greta Granderath, Maritta Horwath), Fleetstreet Theater Hamburg
2013 Freyschütz/Carl Maria von Weber, Director: Michael Simon; Choreography: Eva Burghardt, Konzert Theater Bern
  Salome/Richard Strauss, Director: Michael Simon, Dance: Eva Burghardt, Staatstheater Braunschweig
  Ausrasten, in collaboration with Francesca Honegger, Tanzhaus Zürich, Dampfzentrale Bern
2012 Istanbul Sommer Tee Garten, in collaboration with Triage Live Art Collective, Melbourne, supported by Quartiersmanagement Ganghoferstrasse Berlin
  Vogelfrei, in collaboration with Benedikt Bindewald and Neta Rudich; Musikfestival Lüneburger Heide
2011 Eugen Onegin/Peter I. Tschaikowsky, artistic director: Achim Freyer; Staatsoper im Schiller Theater Berlin
  Messa da Requiem/Giuseppe Verdi, artistic director: Achim Freyer; Deutsche Oper Berlin
  Unlearning and Discovery, choreography: Eeva Muilu; Nordwind – Platform and Festival for Performing Arts & Music, Dock 11 Berlin
  Wie quälst du mein Herz. Eifersuchtsprojekt, artistic director: Christian Banzhaf; Ohrenstrand mobil/Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin
  Des Rattenfängers Frau, in collaboration with Benedikt Bindewald; Ohrenstrand Mobil/Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin
  Nacht ohne Morgen, artistic director: Simon Derksen; Tojo Theater Bern, Switzerland
  Glitter & Gloom, Duet with Sheena McGrandles; Südblock, Berlin
2010/11 Shut up and love me, Solo Performance, in cooperation with Südpol Luzern and Dampfzentrale Bern, Switzerland; 20.Tanztage Berlin, Sophiensaele
2009 Timecode, artistic director: Lukas Bangerter; Bern, Switzerland
  Cindy kauft sich ein Kleid bei H&M und zieht ins Meininger, in collaboration with Jim Spastics und Hans Gender; Hebbel am Ufer 2, 100° Festival Berlin
  Das Publikum verrät Eurydike. Schauspielerbeschimpfung, artistic director: VA Wölfl/ Neuer Tanz; Mousonturm Frankfurt
2008 Closing Opening, artistic director: David Levine; Curators without borders, Berlin
  Ojota IV, Regie: Daniel Ott; Vidmarhallen Bern, Schweiz
  Our theatrical plural selves…Kiwi, and falling. And maybe to love, in collaboration with Itetel- flying backwards; Ada Studio, Berlin
2007 finish tango, Duo with Nina Wehnert; 100° Festival Berlin, Internationaler Choreographie Wettbewerb `no ballet´ Ludwigshafen
  Off Springs, Labor and Performance Installation, artistic director: Ingo Reulecke, Ann Rosén, Olaf Hellstrom; Tanzfabrik Berlin
  Schönerleben, in collaboration with Richard Scott and Nina Wehnert; `Nah Dran´ Performance Series, Ada Studio, Berlin
  Duoplex, Improvisations, in collaboration with Samuel Stoll and Florian Volkmann, supported by `Weitwinkel´; Imprimerie Basel, Schweiz
  somewhere on the edge of., in collaboration with Caroline Schmidt, Daniel Ploeger; Studiobühne Ritterstrasse, Berlin
  Video Liebe, in collaboration with Christine Karpellus, Samuel Stoll, Daniel Ploeger; Art Lab Neukölln, Berlin
2006 Urban Delight, artistic director: Be van Vark; Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
2005 Niemandsland, choreography: Amanda Pina, Aische Schwarz; „New Faces New Dances- Tanzfestival”; Salzburg, Austria
  Far from the body, choreography: Rebecca Murgi; Salzburg, Austria
  Anangke, choreography: Joao da Silva; Salzburg, Austria
  Mermaid on the bottom of the Sea, choreo.: Malgozata Haduch; Amsterdam
  Das Chaos ist nur einen Augenblick entfernt, Performance-Video in Zusammenarbeit mit R. Gerold und L. Nöbauer; Salzburg
  Teaching Experience | Workshops, Projects and Classes (Excerpt)
2018 Lebenswege, Dance-Performance-Project for people between 16 and 96, Urbanraum, Berlin
  Art and Politics, dance and movement workshop in the frame of FSJ Kultur (Freiwilliges Kulturelles Jahr), Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Niedersachsen, Wolfenbüttel
2017 Lebenswege, Dance-Performance-Project for people between 16 and 96, Urbanraum, Berlin
since 2015 Lecturer/Instructor in Dance and Performance for the „Theater Intensive Program“ at Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts College Berlin
  Lehrauftrag „Dance Lab Special. Body Space Landscape“ an dem Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts College Berlin
  Dance up your Mind, Instant Composition, Urbanraum, Berlin
2015 Workshop “Utopien und Visionen”, in the frame of FSJ Kultur (Freiwilliges Kulturelles Jahr), Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Schleswig-Holstein, Scheersberg
  Workshop “Die Kunst der Weltveränderung” in the frame of FSJ Kultur (Freiwilliges Kulturelles Jahr), Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Niedersachsen, Wolfenbüttel
  Workshop “Verwandlung”, in collaboration with Antje Velsinger, Chance Tanz-project for children, Neunkirchen – Seelscheid
since 2014 Lecturer/Instructor in Dance and Performance Studies „Approaches and Practice“ at Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts College 
  Lecturer/Instructor in „Soziale Kulturarbeit“ at Hochschule Emden/Leer, University of Applied Sciences
  Lecturer/Instructor in „Einführende Werkstätten. Kultur, Ästhetik, Medien“ at Hochschule Emden Leer, University of Applied Sciences
  Lecturer/Instructor in „Ästhetische Bildung und Ausdrucksformen. Bewegung“ at Hochschule Emden/Leer, University of Applied Sciences
2014 Workshop “Zukunft! Hier! Jetzt!, in the frame of FSJ Kultur (Freiwilliges Kulturelles Jahr), Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Niedersachsen, Wolfenbüttel
since 2013 Lecturer/Instructor „Wahrnehmung und Bewegung als Ressource erleben“ at Hochschule Emden Leer, University of Applied Sciences
2012-2015 Dance Up Your Mind, weekly class in Improvisation and Instant Composition at Tatwerk, Berlin
since 2011 Lecturer/Instructor in Dance and Performance Studies „From Exploring to Performing“ at Bard College Berlin, A Liberal Arts College
  Sich im Ungeborgenen geborgen wissen…summer intensives at VHS Lichtenberg, Berlin
  (Dance-) Improvisation and Composition, week-end series at VHS Lichtenberg, Berlin
2010 Dance-Performance-Text, Introduction into Performative Work;PHZ Pädagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz, Luzern
2007-2010 Reflexions, Dance, Improvisation and Composition Workshop; Tri-national Art Project Poland/Czech Republic/Germany; PARADA, Niedermiròw, Poland
2002-2005 Kinderballett, SEAD, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance