Biography in Movement

Walking, running, stumbling, falling, flying, following, leading, carrying, seeing, standing, staying, detour, outlook, pause…

„Biography in Movement“ is a combination of biography work and dance/movement, which offers new ways to look at ones own biography from different perspectives. This work suppports to look at your previous path of life with fresh and gentle eyes and might allow a (re-) ordering /placement of ones own biography. /and priorities, which can lead to a deeper understanding and acceptance of the path you are on. From here, new movement can be born.

Depending on the choosen format, the focus of „Biography in Movement“ can be either in the development of an artsitic project, working with biographical stories/elements of the participants to create a work resulting in a final presenation; or it might be within the frame of individual or group research, without performative character.  Here, the focus will be on reflexion, clarification and review, regarding specific biographical questions.

Whoever wants to know who he is, must know, where he comes from, to see, where he would like to go. (Jean Paul)

The questions linked to biography work can have personal, and/or political and social dimensions.  Where do I come from? What has moved and embossed me? What kind of meetings, encounters, crashes or upheavals did I experience? Which path did I take? What kind of traces do I leave behind? What would I like to pass on? Where am I standing now?

The word „Bios“ means life, and „graphy“ means writing, transcript, notation. A biography appears by an I, taking out episodes of the „stream of life“ and from there, starts to create and shape it into a new form. (Herta Schindler)

Depending on the project or workshop, different biographic themes will be worked with and give the base and inspiration for expression in movement and dance. Working with and through the body, enables you to see new perspectives towards ones own bipgraphy.